2024 Rates & Reservations

All rates are based upon two (2) people, one camping unit and two vehicles.
Daily Rates, except where indicated.
Basic Site Fees (Daily)
Water & Electric Site $49.00
Water, Electric & Sewer $52.00
Holiday Weekends - Minimum Three Night Stay
Water & Electric Site $52.00
Water, Electric & Sewer $59.00
Additional Charges
Extra Adult - 18 years & up $12.00
Adult Holiday Weekends $15.00
Children - 6-17 years old $1.00
Extended Stay
Water, Electric & Sewer Weekly $312.00
Month* $825.00
Seasonal* $3,150.00
*Electric separate.
NAFCA Members: 10%
Groups of 10 or more: 10% (No HolidayWeekends)
Check-In & Check-Out Times
Check-In: 3:00 P.M. / Check-Out: 2:00 P.M.
Anyone not registered with the camping party at check-in.
Day Visits are between the hours of 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m.
Overnight visitors must check out by 2:00 p.m. the next day.
Sorry. We do not allow visiting dogs.
No Visitors Allowed to register before 9:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m.
Weekday (Monday - Thursday) Daily Visitor Fee Day Visit
Overnight Visitor Fee Weekday
  Daily Overnight
Adult $3.50 $8.00
Children (ages 6-17 years) $2.50 $6.00
Weekend (Friday - Sunday) Daily Visitor Fee
Overnight Visitor Fee Weekend
  Daily Overnight
Adult $6.00 $13.00
Children (ages 6-17 years) $3.50 $8.00
Holiday Daily Visitor Fee
Includes Halloween Weekend
  Daily Overnight
Adult $9.00 $19.00
Children (ages 6-17 years) $6.00 $12.50

Reservation Policies

Deposits: A one night deposit is required to hold a reservation, with the exception of Holiday Weekends, which must be paid in full one month in advance.
Weekly stays require a $100.00 non-refundable deposit.
Monthly stays require a $294.00 non-refundable deposit.
Cancellations: Full Refund (less $15.00 service charge) for reservations canceled before 7 days. Late cancellations or the day of and no shows will be charged full deposit. Holiday reservations must be canceled 14 days in advance to receive a refund. Extended stay cancellations will be charged 25%.
• No refunds after check-in. Please don’t ask!
Sites: We make every effort to reserve the site of your choice; however, we cannot guarantee sites.
Pets: Maximum 2 dogs allowed. Must provide current rabies certificate. Visitors may not bring pets.
Security Gate: We require a $15 deposit or a credit card number for a gate card for our security gate. The deposit is fully refundable when card is returned and undamaged.
Returned Checks: $25 service fee for returned checks.
Visa, MasterCard & Discover accepted.
Oak Haven accepts Visa, MasterCard & Discover cards.

Request More Information

If you like what you have seen and would like more information prior to reserving an upcoming camping vacation at Oak Haven, please fill out the following form. We will give your request our immediate attention.
Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button!
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Reservation Request
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